Tuesday, May 30, 2017

God Is...

               Our focus this month in church is the names of God. God is unique and has been given many names both from himself and his followers to describe who He is. With this He also has given us promises in the Bible that we can hold onto because of His character. For me personally, the name of God that I hold on to is El-Olam, The Everlasting God. This is seen in Isaiah 40:28-31 which reads “Do you not know? Have you not heard: The Everlasting God, the LORD the Creator of the ends of the earth Does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable. He gives strength to the weary, And to him who lacks might He increases power. Though youths grow weary and tired, And vigorous young men stumble badly, Yet those who wait for the Lord Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired,They will walk and not become weary”.God is everlasting. This means He does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It is so easy for me to forget about God’s character. I find myself worrying in one shape or form about my life and how to live it. Sometimes it’s meant to be for God’s glory in how I live my life. I want to live righteously and follow His decrees but I do it on my own strength instead of His. I think about my own advice instead of waiting and asking for Him.

            Lately my struggle has been doing things on my own will. In a month or so I will be giving birth to my son. Because of this I feel I have very little time left to get things together. Matt and I just did a big move to a new apartment and things are still not all in order. There are many worries that I struggle with throughout the week. I worry about if I’m going to have enough strength to finish unpacking and organizing my house. I worry about if I’m going to have a healthy labor and have my newborn son stay safe. I get in these stages where I am strong and stable one minute and then one event can happen to me and I’m unraveled and in a state of panic. God is constantly trying to remind me that He is everlasting. This is a promise. God is not going to change His mind. He wants to help me. He wants to give me strength. He wants me to lean on Him. I find myself wanting to rely on my strength to get through a day because I want to put on a brave face but God doesn’t want that from me. He knows I am tired. He wants me to confide in Him what I’m feeling and ask for help. He is speaking to me and saying let me help you bear this load. I have been here since time began. I know what you struggle with. Let me be there for you. I hope this is an encouragement to you if you are in a state of tiredness or worry that God is El-Oham.

--Alison Hicks

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